IPA: spˈidɪŋ
- (countable) (Instance of) acceleration.
- (uncountable) Driving faster than the legal speed limit.
- Travelling very fast; moving at speed.
- Specifically, travelling at an illegal speed (of vehicles, motorists).
- Under the influence of the drug speed; high on amphetamines.
Examples of "speeding" in Sentences
- The police officer pulled over the speeding driver for going 20 miles over the speed limit
- Speeding through the intersection, the reckless driver narrowly avoided a collision with another car
- Despite the heavy rain, the driver continued speeding down the highway, endangering themselves and others
- The speeding motorcycle zipped past us on the highway, leaving a trail of dust in its wake
- The speeding ticket was an expensive reminder for the driver to slow down and obey the traffic laws