speed up

IPA: spˈidˈʌp


  • (idiomatic, intransitive) To accelerate; to increase speed.
  • (transitive) To accelerate (something): to increase its speed, to make it go faster.


IPA: spˈidʌp


  • An amount or rate of decrease in time taken to do a certain amount of work.
  • (chiefly computing) The relationship between time taken and number of processors used.
  • (labor, politics) An employer's demand for more output without more pay.


IPA: spˈidʌp


  • Alternative spelling of speedup [An amount or rate of decrease in time taken to do a certain amount of work.]

Examples of "speedup" in Sentences

    Examples of "speed-up" in Sentences

    • Meanwhile, the quality of these workers 'jobs is being degraded by an industry speed-up, Gordon points out.
    • European Union will propose a Europe-wide fund to speed-up decision-making in case of bank collapse financed by levies on banks
    • Juxtaposed against the speed-up of the time lapse are painfully slow motion scenes that depict moments from my training -- a raw egg dropping into a mouth or a face as it "maxes out."
    • But any speed-up in enrichment would increase its supply of low-enriched material more quickly — and also speed up conversion into high-enriched, weapons grade uranium, should Iran choose to go that route.
    • The impact of these budget pressures on workers in the public sector is likely to be massive layoffs, permanent downsizings, further pressure on wages and benefits, speed-up, and deteriorating working conditions.
    • Mr. Liu, who has been held at an undisclosed location since early 2011 by Communist Party prosecutors, personally approved an ill-considered speed-up of the railway line where the accident occurred, the report said.
    • More Parsing the Fed: How statement changed Read the Fed's statement Barring a surprise shift in the economy — an unanticipated burst of inflation or a significant speed-up or slowdown in economic growth — the Fed is likely to stay the course with the bond purchases through June.

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