IPA: spˈɛɫbaɪndɝ
- Something that is spellbinding, that causes rapt attention.
Examples of "spellbinder" in Sentences
- Loved the last couple of posts too, especially the spellbinder process!
- It is all very well for the "spellbinder" to claim all the precincts -- the official count is just ahead.
- He doesn't hot-dog with his storytelling, and he's so understated you can't really call him a spellbinder.
- On pages 1431-1433 of the 1990 spellbinder, there is a financial incentive for states to try “alternative medical liability laws.”
- Portraying the man and hero as human while keeping the comic-book action at full speed, each animated adventure is a fast-paced spellbinder.
- The poll tax was high, the enthusiasm of the average partisan was seldom more than lukewarm, and the task of the "spellbinder" was an uphill job.
- Based on a best-selling novel by Michael Connelly, Lincoln Lawyer is a shrewd legal thriller that is as much detective story as courtroom spellbinder.
- His policy in Korea—his determined effort to keep the conflict in bounds—had not been scuttled, however great the aura of the hero-general, or his powers as a spellbinder.
- Maybe that's why lefty Layton, who's not exactly a spellbinder he looks more like a friendly Safeway manager has pulled ahead of the professorial-looking Ignatieff in many polls.
- Tracey Ullman, right, also making an overdue return to the London stage, is enigmatic and charismatic as the mysterious Miss Lambert: she rightly leaves you guessing whether the character is a natural spellbinder or the wicked witch of the West End.