IPA: spˈɝmʌtˈɑzun
- (cytology) A reproductive cell or gamete of a male, carried in semen, that fertilizes an ovum to produce a zygote.
Examples of "spermatozoon" in Sentences
- -- The male reproductive element is called spermatozoon, or zoosperm.
- Wise man stay away from the Eurostar, now promoting itself as the tunnel of love with spermatozoon baked beans.
- The term “spermatozoon” is well chosen since the sperm, with its long flagellum—or tail—is very much akin to a protozoan.
- Why should anyone have to pay taxes on income from my labor while the result of the lucky spermatozoon contest is excused?
- After a few spins its thunderous bassline and electro chorus finally take hold and lodge in your brain like an egg-hungry spermatozoon.
- Here, in all these cases, what is required is the detachment of two portions of the parental organisms, which portions we know as the egg and the spermatozoon.
- Dorland's Medical Dictionary defines pregnancy, in relevant part, as "the condition of having a developing embryo or fetus in the body, after union of an oocyte and spermatozoon."
- But, as ever, Clarkson’s voice – as powerful as Alan Sugar in the boardroom, as gutsy as an egg-hungry spermatozoon – makes it that little bit more interesting than it might otherwise have been.
- To explain such “different people choices”, Parfit adopts the genetic identity view of personal identity: the identity of a person is at least in part constituted by the DNA the person has as a result of which ovum was fertilized by this or that spermatozoon in the creation of this person.