
IPA: spˈaɪdɝɫaɪk


  • Resembling or characteristic of a spider.

Examples of "spiderlike" in Sentences

  • Once again a horrible image of Nori, scampering spiderlike, entered her mind.
  • But while Slaine had been occupied, the other had begun crawling spiderlike up the tree for her.
  • He is very tall and long of limb and tends to hunch over, making him seem very spiderlike when he moves.
  • His flashbeam picked out a thing that scuttled on spiderlike legs, a steel carapace and arms ending in sword blades.
  • Otto guessed that they must be sensory arrays, but the spiderlike eye clusters did nothing to improve the machines sinister appearance.
  • He peered through a gap in a hedge and spied a pair of creatures, one spiderlike, the other a huge toad, scuttling and hopping down the street.
  • The assailant scurried away in the dark, spiderlike, and Swift had only a quick glimpse of him in a sudden beam of moonlight as he got to his feet and ran.
  • They were described as “vast spiderlike machines, nearly a hundred feet high, capable of the speed of an express train, and able to shoot out a beam of intense heat.”
  • Mr. Renfield became spiderlike, his body covered with spiny hairs, eight black eyes appearing on his head: two large ones at the front, two smaller ones on either side, then four more behind.

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