
IPA: spˈɪgʌt


  • A pin or peg used to stop the vent in a cask.
  • The plug of a faucet, tap or cock.
  • (US, especially Appalachia) A water tap: a faucet or sillcock.


  • (transitive) To block with a spigot.
  • (transitive) To insert (a spigot).

Examples of "spigot" in Sentences

  • "The spigot is stopping Nov. 2," he says, when voters will be sending a message to Congress.
  • The truth about paid media: Paid media works, but only so long as the money spigot is turned on and gushing.
  • They’re still frothing at the mouth over 9/11 and want to kill as many brown people as possible before the spigot is shut off.
  • Collecting rainwater from the gutter into a bucket with a spigot could be a spiffy way to get some clean water - or a fast way to gather some watered-down bird poop in a big tub.
  • * If the Saudi oil spigot is shut off, by terrorism or by political revolution, the effect on the global economy, and particularly on the economy of the United States, will be devastating.
  • Instead of holding back -- working with a fragile amount of space and condensing language to make effective and subtle suggestions -- I open up the word spigot and, in doing so, the fictional world of the story.

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