
IPA: spˈaɪkt


  • (of a beverage) Containing alcohol or drugs, often without the knowledge of those who partake.
  • Having spikes.
  • Of a graph or trend that has rapidly reached a maximum.

Examples of "spiked" in Sentences

  • Jennie Bristow wrote about this in spiked a year or more back.
  • Drag your mouse over a section of the time line to zoom in and see exaclty which hour of the the day your term spiked or fell.
  • The Super Bowl also sparked interest in Reggie Bush's girlfriend Kim Kardashian, as searches for her name spiked significantly.
  • Although Merriam-Webster editors said searches for the word spiked after President Barack Obama said he and his party took "a shellacking"
  • By going low fat people were feeding their starving bodies with excess sugars which would cause a viscious circle of quick fixes of sugar highs followed by insulin spiked crashes.
  • Litttle by little, girls were willing to go out in spiked, shaved heads with purple streaks, in low cut tight jeans that showed everything, in tight tops and straps showing, in short skirts, etc.
  • The connection between those things: Online searches for the word spiked in August as Republicans and Democrats were arguing over the federal debt ceiling and a possible government shutdown loomed.
  • Although Merriam-Webster editors said searches for the word spiked after President Barack Obama said he and his party took "a shellacking" from voters in midterm election, Portier said the word is very common in southern Louisiana.
  • According to the site: spiked is an independent online phenomenon dedicated to raising the horizons of humanity by waging a culture war of words against misanthropy, priggishness, prejudice, luddism, illiberalism and irrationalism in all their ancient and modern forms. spiked is endorsed by free-thinkers such as John Stuart Mill and Karl Marx, and hated by the narrow-minded such as Torquemada and Stalin.

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