
IPA: spˈɪɫɪdʒ


  • The process or action of spilling.
  • That which has been spilled.

Examples of "spillage" in Sentences

  • I live in front of my computer so, for me, occaisional spillage is inevitable.
  • Much of the spillage is not from oil drilling, but from smaller oil storage amounts or distribution facilities.
  • He did the Math and figured out that 10,000 barrels of oil (aka the spillage of oil in two days) could fill up a Victorian home in San Francisco.
  • If a political agreement fails, then troops should be withdrawn to border areas to try to contain the spillage from the civil war into the region.
  • I find the soaked cotton balls are easier to contain and handle, you can pour more mixture on them when they start to dry and the chance of spillage is lower.
  • Deficit – An excuse to do anything really out of order, eg: "Yes, I did spill red wine on your new white carpet, but what you must remember is that Labour left that carpet with a deficit of red wine; my spillage was the only responsible course of action."
  • Deficit - An excuse to do anything really out of order, eg: "Yes, I did spill red wine on your new white carpet, but what you must remember is that Labour left that carpet with a deficit of red wine; my spillage was the only responsible course of action."
  • Newer: this weekend is all about … big and what great stuff is and what great stuff is there to write about tonight? so yeah, a web log is cheep therapy, not good writing. what else is new? it’s the same sort of brain spillage that has always filled my various diaries - I’m just more self-consious … because I do know that it’s public. that’s actually a weird part of the appeal.

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