IPA: spˈɪndrˈɪft
- (nautical) Sea spray (clouds of water droplets) blown from the tops of waves by the wind and whipped along the surface of the sea.
- (by extension) Clouds of sand, snow, etc., whipped along the ground by the wind.
Examples of "spindrift" in Sentences
- The spindrift whipped around the boat as it cut through the choppy waves
- On a blustery day, the spindrift danced playfully in the air above the crashing surf
- The salty tang of spindrift filled the air as the waves sprayed against the rocky cliffs
- The spindrift glittered in the sunlight, creating a beautiful, shimmering effect on the water
- The sailor pulled his hat down tightly to shield his face from the stinging spindrift as he navigated through the storm