
IPA: spˈɪrʌɫʌm


  • Any of various aerobic bacteria of the genus Spirillum, having an elongated spiral form and bearing a tuft of flagella.
  • Any of various other spiral-shaped microorganisms.

Examples of "spirillum" in Sentences

  • a clearly defined _spirillum_, the _Treponema pallida_ of Schaudinn.
  • "In some way," he replied quickly, "they have become infected by the bite of an African tick which carries spirillum fever."
  • On account of this developmental change, he doubted if the cholera organism should be ranked with bacilli; it is rather a transitional form between the bacillus and the spirillum.
  • Then, with his assistant, he put on his white robes, mask, gloves and other precautions for asepsis, setting out the apparatus for the intravenous administration of the drug that would kill the spirillum.
  • Possibly it is a true spirillum, portions of which appear in the comma shape, much as in other spirilla -- _e. g_., spirilla undula, which do not always form complete spirals, but consist only of more or less curved rods.
  • On the opposing spread there are photos of crackling staphylococcus aureus, zig-zaggy leptospira, pickle-like vibrio, frightening spirillum volutans, a decaying tree, a microscope, and . . . wait for it . . . a bighorn sheep.
  • a connection between the presence of bacillus spirillum and relapsing fever; and Mr. Talamon claiming to have discovered that diphtheria was due to an organism by means of which the virus could be conveyed from human beings to animals, and _vice versa_.
  • There can be no question that he saw them, for we can recognize in his descriptions of these various forms of little ` ` animals '' the four principal forms of microbes -- the long and short rods of bacilli and bacteria, the spheres of micrococci, and the corkscrew spirillum.
  • But a resting state of the comma bacilli has never been met with -- a very exceptional thing in the case of bacilli, and another reason why the organism must be regarded rather as a spirillum than a bacillus, for the spirilla require only a fluid medium, and do not, like the anthrax bacilli, thrive in a dry state.

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