IPA: spɝˈɑmʌtɝ
- (medicine) An instrument for measuring the air capacity of the lungs.
Examples of "spirometer" in Sentences
- You should also get a device called a “spirometer”.
- Within two months, I blew the top off that spirometer once again.
- “Wow,” the nurse exclaimed, staring at her lung-capacity spirometer.
- They also tested how well the kids' lungs were working using a device called a spirometer.
- The employers also allege Kelly may have misused a machine called a spirometer to measure lung capacity.
- Lung screenings involve a small device called a spirometer, which measures how much air a person breathes in and out of their lungs.
- One way researchers determine airflow obstruction is by using a machine called a spirometer to measure how much air a person breathes in and out, as well as how fast it is blown out, or expired.
- His recording spirometer is used in many hospitals, his bicycle ergometer is an appreciated working machine, his precision pipettes, respiration apparatus, improved methods for gas analysis and many other inventions bear witness to his constructive skill.
- Includes white blood cells, lymph nodes, spleen and tonsils, among others. incentive spirometer (also called inspirometer) - a plastic device with a flexible tubing and enclosed ball designed to help stimulate deep breaths and therefore prevent lung collapse and infections.