IPA: spɝt
- Archaic spelling of spurt. [A brief gush, as of liquid spurting from an orifice or a cut/wound.]
- Archaic spelling of spurt. [(transitive) To cause to gush out suddenly or violently in a stream or jet.]
Examples of "spirt" in Sentences
- Your spirt is my dance partner, and you thoughts a dance floor.
- Catherine as much as I would like to be there I think it will have to be in spirt.
- I believe that there is more to what we are than our physical selves- we embody a spirt, a soul-an essence.
- Nija, what in heck does your spirt have to do with this story. they are dems helping out corrupt dems. and the guys that started this housing problem,
- There is a truth to the depiction of their relationship, their physical beauty as an expression of a purity and nobility of spirt, that is intensely moving.
- The price largely depends on the quality of ethanol or "spirt" as it's called here - "spirt extra" is used for cheaper vodka and "luxe" is for pricier types.
- And it was worth it to see the senior citizen in front of me get into the spirt of things and start tossing flowers he was handed across the aisle and up and down the row with abandon, startling other theatergoers and amusing himself and me to no end.
- Yes | No | Report from gman3186 wrote 20 weeks 6 days ago if they wanna pet a deer the best way to do that is go hunting and shoot one then they can pet it all they want but seriously that what happens when you take something wild and try to tame it there is always that wild spirt