IPA: spˈɪtbɔɫ
- (baseball) A pitch of a baseball that has been partly covered with saliva, illegal at most levels.
- A balled-up piece of paper, moistened with saliva (by chewing) and shot through a drinking straw.
- (baseball) To moisten the ball with saliva before pitching it.
- To brainstorm ideas.
Examples of "spitball" in Sentences
- It would depend on which side of the "spitball" issue Barr comes down on.
- Enough could let your round stop still in the barrel, most likely it would "spitball" out.
- Quote from that source: “Buffington, of Boston was known for his drop ball, which in later years they called a spitball.”
- You would have better luck hitting the moon with a spitball from the top of Everest than you would have getting any large number of gay men to practice celibacy.
- #123 – “You would have better luck hitting the moon with a spitball from the top of Everest than you would have getting any large number of gay men to practice celibacy.”
- “The filibuster has been abused,” he said, adding that “the Republicans have abused that just like the spitball was abused in baseball and the four-corner offense was abused in basketball.”