IPA: spˈaɪt
- Ill will or hatred toward another, accompanied with the desire to unjustifiably irritate, annoy, or thwart; a want to disturb or put out another; mild malice
- (obsolete) Vexation; chagrin; mortification.
- (transitive) To treat maliciously; to try to hurt or thwart.
- (transitive, obsolete) To be angry at; to hate.
- (transitive) To fill with spite; to offend; to vex.
Examples of "spite" in Sentences
- She cancelled the party out of spite because she was not invited to the gathering last week
- The coworker purposely sabotaged the project in spite of his resentment towards his supervisor
- Despite her parents' disapproval, she pursued her dream career out of spite to prove them wrong
- His decision to quit the team was made in spite of the coach's criticism and unfair treatment
- The neighbor spread rumors about her in spite of their long-standing friendship, causing tension in the community