IPA: spˈɪtʌɫ
- Spit, usually frothy and of a milky coloration.
- Something frothy and white that resembles spit.
- Spit-up or drool of an infant.
- A small sort of spade.
- A surname.
- (now archaic) Alternative form of spital [(historical) A charitable house to receive and care for sick people, later distinguished from a hospital as being especially for those of a low class or meagre financial means.]
- To dig or stir with a small spade.
Examples of "spittle" in Sentences
- The dentist wiped away the spittle from the corner of the patient's mouth
- The angry man's yelling caused flecks of spittle to fly from his mouth
- The dog shook its head, sending droplets of spittle flying in all directions
- The teacher's loud lecture caused spittle to form in the corners of her mouth
- The baby giggled, sending little bubbles of spittle flying from its mouth