
IPA: spɫˈæʃɝ


  • Someone who splashes.
  • (dated) A guard to keep off splashes from anything; especially, one of the guards over the wheels of a carriage, locomotive, etc.
  • (MLE, slang) A knife (for it does wettings).

Examples of "splasher" in Sentences

  • I showed Mr. Holcombe the splasher, dotted with ink as usual.
  • Plenty of damask towels hang on the rack, and the "splasher" is a marvel of needlework.
  • I went in, as you say, and I put up an old splasher, because of the way he throws ink about.
  • Not only will you be made a laughing-stock of, but some scribbler, some ink-splasher will put you into a comedy.
  • “Ah! old water-splasher, is it thou?” said she; “I am weeping for my golden ball, which has fallen into the well.”
  • He spent most of the day writing, using the wash-stand as a desk, and it kept me busy with oxalic acid taking ink-spots out of the splasher and the towels.
  • Freddie ducked under as every wave came, but Flossie was not always quick enough, and it was very hard for her to keep hold of the ropes when a big splasher dashed against her.
  • The washstand should have a full set of toilet mats, or a large towel with a colored border may be laid on it; also, a splasher placed on the wall at the back of the stand is very essential.
  • In my scenario, the Senator tells the drowning person that it was the flailing non-swimmer's fault for falling in and not learning how to swim, not the Senator's doing, just before the erratic splasher goes under the surface for the last time.
  • Maria led the way to the spare-room on the second floor, a large square room furnished in old-fashioned country style: a rag carpet, rag rugs, heavy black walnut bureau and wash-stand, the latter with an antique bowl and pitcher of pink and white, and a splasher of white linen outlined in turkey red cotton.

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