IPA: spɫˈæʃɪŋ
- An action that splashes.
Examples of "splashing" in Sentences
- Puddle splashing is a great way to work off energy.
- He did not like the notion of splashing through a puddle of boiling oil.
- Is there anything good that can come of your name splashing across the news?
- April 2007, a splashing is seen in the water of a ravine near Trinity Western University.
- Unlike in other models, Kok simulated a process called splashing, in which a flying sand particle knocks at least one new grain into the air as it smacks into the ground.
- He went on talking and laughing all the time as they drove from the station to the quarters he had engaged for her, the rain splashing against the cab from the grey sky and from the street paving.
- That the charge of rashness in splashing the picture be not incurred, let the following authoritative evidence be considered: first, the work and wages of mediocrity and inefficiency, and, second, the habitat: