
IPA: spɫˈinwɝt


  • Any of a number of types of ferns in the genus Asplenium.

Examples of "spleenwort" in Sentences

  • Swelling emerald mosses protrude between vertical groves of fern and spleenwort.
  • In regard to the last member of the group, the narrow-leaved spleenwort, there is more doubt.
  • Farmsteads and hamlets are protected by old walls from which spleenwort and polypody ferns grow.
  • Still other species of ferns are known to hybridize more or less, as we saw in the case of Scott's spleenwort.
  • Localized species of note include red broomrape Orobanche alba, sea spleenwort Asplenium marinum and oyster plant Mertemsia maritima.
  • This rare and delicate little plant bears a rather close resemblance to the maidenhair spleenwort, which, however, has dark stipes instead of green.
  • A spiral stairway, within concave walls sprouting spleenwort ferns and pennywort, leads to a look-out at the top of the tower bounded by pinnacles and a parapet encrusted with lichen.
  • Nearly all agree that the lady fern, with its variously curved sori, should be placed here, and many others would place the silvery spleenwort in the same genus, partly because of its frequently doubled sori.
  • The pinnæ of a frond are often pinnátifid when the frond itself is pinnate; and a frond may be pinnate in its lower part and become pinnátifid higher up as in the pinnátifid spleenwort just mentioned (Fig. 3).
  • Foxgloves, bright polypody ferns and rushes thrive in the hollows of surface tin workings while wheel pits, settling tanks and buddles associated with the extraction of tin and china clay are masked by scrub, and the derelict structures colonised by spleenwort ferns and moss.

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