
IPA: spɫˈɛnɪtɪs


  • (pathology) inflammation of the spleen

Examples of "splenitis" in Sentences

  • [36] It has been suggested by one who attended Dr. Livingstone professionally in several dangerous illnesses in Africa, that the ultimate cause of death was acute splenitis. ”
  • When there is a pain near the surface of the body, the physician lances these two latter veins; but when the pain is within and in the region of the stomach he lances the veins splenitis and hepatitis.
  • This other pair runs through the throat inside; and from either one of the two there extend veins in underneath the shoulder blade and towards the hands; and these appear alongside the veins splenitis and hepatitis as another pair of veins smaller in size.
  • If the second stage of splenitis be made free from danger, it must re - quire stili longer time before it terminates in a cure than the first stage, as the disposition to a renewal of vascular sweliing will be more confirmed by time, and show itself periodicaJly.
  • Pain may bave been felt without, swelling, and swelling without pain, and both may bave fexisted without the pulse having been disturbed for a long period in the first stage of splenitis; but on dissection, the spleen, after such previous circuinstapces, has been found iporbid, and the only diseased organ.
  • From these, veins extend all over the body, from that on the right hand to the right side and from that on the left hand to the left side; the most important ones, two in number, to the heart in the region of the backbone; other two a little higher up through the chest in underneath the armpit, each to the hand on its side: of these two, one being termed the vein splenitis, and the other the vein hepatitis.

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