IPA: spɫaɪn
- Long thin piece of metal or wood.
- (woodworking) A strip of wood or other material inserted into grooves in each of two pieces of wood to provide additional surface for gluing.
- A flexible strip of metal or other material, that may be bent into a curve and used in a similar manner to a ruler to draw smooth curves between points.
- (mathematics, computing) Any of a number of smooth curves used to join points.
- A rectangular piece that fits grooves like key seats in a hub and a shaft, so that while the one may slide endwise on the other, both must revolve together.
- (mechanics) Ridges or teeth on a drive shaft that mesh with grooves in a mating piece and transfer torque to it, maintaining the angular correspondence between them.
- (mathematics, computing) To smooth (a curve or surface) by means of a spline.
- (engineering) To fit with a spline.
- (engineering) To fasten to or together with a spline.
Examples of "spline" in Sentences
- (The word spline is often incorrectly used for this.)
- Imagine your animation in this case is the ball's shadow and the spline is the curve of the baseball.
- "exposure" would have taught them that a spline is a small piece of wood inserted to keep a mortise joint tight.
- A spline is a much more generic item, and different materials can serve as splines .... in the case you refer to, however, there is a specific kind of spline necessary.
- In most aluminum-framed screens, the screen material is held in place by a vinyl bead called spline which is inserted into a channel that runs the entire perimeter of the frame.
- If there were a list, using something like SketchEntities, then I'm sure I would be able to reference the Sketch Points in order since the spline was the first thing I drew in the sketch.
- Only "tweak" you need to play with is along the spline is a single edge running the length of it - any texture rotated so it crosses this split-line usually don't line up - play with the texture scale to try and fix (if you're desperate to have it visually perfect ...) ...