
IPA: spɫˈɑʃ


  • (countable) A heavy splashing sound.
  • (countable, uncountable) A spilt or dropped liquid or semi-liquid substance.
  • (uncountable, UK, slang) Tea (the drink).


  • To splash with a heavy splashing sound.
  • To traverse mushy or marshy wetlands.
  • To spill or spill over.

Examples of "splosh" in Sentences

  • At every step the water oozed out and _slop, splosh, slop, splosh_, still went his shoes.
  • Sometimes called splosh, sometimes "wet and messy", it always involves goopy fluids on a lady.
  • July 9, 2008 at 11:27 pm constipated would be more like “hnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn……*splosh*… ah”
  • Long gone are the days when people were forced to skulk in the sexual shadows on account of their lifelong splosh fetish.
  • Then, with a final dismissive splosh, he steps back, still grimly unsmiling, to make way for a second character, the munashfi.
  • Asterisks never even noticed it, but next moment when something fell with a thudding 'splosh' on the wet ground behind the trench the men nearest the spot lifted their heads and stared curiously.
  • These will include highly respected Croydonian Erudite Nick Drew witty City Unslicker and Ed. Do pop in for a splosh of egg nog if you cannot resist ,6.30 PM 1-3 Tooley Street, Southwark, London, SE1 2PF
  • I thought how I would have a malenky bit longer in the bed, an hour or two say, and then get dressed nice and easy, perhaps even having a splosh about in the bath, make toast for myself and slooshy the radio or read the gazetta, all on my oddy knocky.

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