
IPA: spˈɔɪɫ


  • (Also in plural: spoils) Plunder taken from an enemy or victim.
  • (archaic) The act of taking plunder from an enemy or victim; spoliation, pillage, rapine.
  • (uncountable) Material (such as rock or earth) removed in the course of an excavation, or in mining or dredging. Tailings. Such material could be utilised somewhere else.


  • (transitive, archaic) To strip (someone who has been killed or defeated) of their arms or armour.
  • (transitive, archaic) To strip or deprive (someone) of their possessions; to rob, despoil.
  • (transitive, intransitive, archaic) To plunder, pillage (a city, country etc.).
  • (transitive, obsolete) To carry off (goods) by force; to steal.
  • (transitive) To ruin; to damage (something) in some way making it unfit for use.
  • (transitive) To ruin the character of, by overindulgence; to coddle or pamper to excess.
  • (intransitive) Of food, to become bad, sour or rancid; to decay.
  • (transitive) To render (a ballot paper) invalid by deliberately defacing it.
  • (transitive) To reveal the ending or major events of (a story etc.); to ruin (a surprise) by exposing it ahead of time.
  • (aviation) To reduce the lift generated by an airplane or wing by deflecting air upwards, usually with a spoiler.

Examples of "spoil" in Sentences

  • Persians to the rout; wherefore all the spoil is thine.
  • The word spoil commonly means now, to corrupt, injure, or destroy.
  • The term spoil (ghanima) is applied specifically to property acquired by force from non-Muslims.
  • You need to learn that your girlfriend is an enabling idiot who has no idea what the word spoil actually means.
  • At issue was the massive amount of rock left over from the mountaintop-removal process, known as spoil, that is dumped into adjoining valleys, clogging up streams.
  • 'Don't think any one will see it there,' he said, as he cut the candle down a trifle and lit it cautiously with a sputtering sulphur match, part of the spoil from the Turkish sentry.
  • I am well content with my estates, and need no foot of English land, no share in English spoil I must fight for my liege lord as long as fighting goes on, but that over I hope to return here and live in peace.
  • What a ridiculous question would this be to him, who knows that in what we call spoil, he pursues the rational purposes of his own art; that to the excellence of the metal, he may also add the curiousness of the figure?
  • The conditions of the covenant have been violated by the reservation of spoil from the doomed city; wickedness, emphatically called folly, has been committed in Israel (Ps 14: 1), and dissimulation, with other aggravations of the crime, continues to be practised.
  • Where the 1979 regulations required haulage and placement of the rock and soil in compacted, constructed, engineered fills, OSM weakened the rules to allow end-dumping and wing-dumping from the mine bench of excessive amounts of mine "spoil" -- the soil and rock removed from above coal seams, into headwater streams.

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