IPA: spˈunfˈidɪŋ
- teaching in an overly simplified way that discourages independent thought
- feeding someone (as a baby) from a spoon
Examples of "spoonfeeding" in Sentences
- That's the last time I'm spoonfeeding here.
- Spoonfeeding a P reader is a spectacularly bad idea.
- Anything more than that is redundant and spoonfeeding.
- You really seem to be reaching if you want to call it spoonfeeding.
- He directed the person where to find the answers without spoonfeeding.
- This is spoonfeeding the reader and the article is better off without it.
- This is syntax, and makes sense, but I see you prefer the spoonfeeding style.
- But, I'm tired of the chinese spoonfeeding me their pride of being the 'people's republic!' mike
- It's not really "spoonfeeding" if you simply answer a question that you've been bringing up again and again and again.
- Obama quickly stepped in, and muttered an ignorant remark (as usual, when his telemprompter isn't spoonfeeding him) ....
- Bob suddenly found himself constructing pens, cages, barriers, buying feed, clearing duck waste, spoonfeeding at mealtime.
- Why aren't people paying attention to the fact that the mainstream media is spoonfeeding us baloney straight from the Clinton campaign?
- This is what this country deserves after electing and supporting someone who cannot get through a complete sentence without a teleprompter or some sort of spoonfeeding .... pathetic .... mike, texas
- I wonder if Hospice makes house calls for a nation; because the liberals have sentenced our once great nation to a slow death ... via taxation, control, and spoonfeeding lazy minorities and illegal aliens ..... all to have votes!
- Coming into a postdoc where my mentors were used to spoonfeeding the mildly retarded postdocs they'd had in the past was quite a shock for everyone concerned but they slowly came around to the realization that not all postdocs are stupid!
- D MaskellCorbridgeNorthumberlandWhile the importance of vocational courses should be recognised, rigorous academic qualifications also have a part to play in undoing the damage that a relentless diet of spoonfeeding has wreaked on young minds.