IPA: spˈɔrk
- An eating utensil shaped like a spoon, the bowl of which is divided into tines like those of a fork, and so has the function of both implements; some sporks have a serrated edge so they can also function as a knife.
- (transitive) To move or impale (food etc.) with a spork.
Examples of "spork" in Sentences
- A spork is a perfect metaphor for human existance.
- The spork is the hermaphrodite of the kitchen utensil universe.
- He brought a spork to school, and in case you don't know, a spork is a highly evolved utensil, half spoon, half fork, all action, especially for Cub Scouts who camp.
- Axually MJ widda cween, a runcible sppon is the real name for wut stoopies now call a spork becawse they too stoppy to know data spork is awreddy called a runcible spoon.
- But let's not call a spoon a spork here (because, of course, the spork is the most ideal of food instruments) by saying this Mother's Day weekend race is the Southern 500.