IPA: spˈɔrʌtrɪkˈoʊsʌs
- A disease caused by infection with the fungus Sporothrix schenckii, sometimes acquired from roses.
Examples of "sporotrichosis" in Sentences
- Sporotrichosis is a rare fungal infection that typically affects the skin and is caused by the fungus Sporothrix schenckii
- The most common way to contract sporotrichosis is through direct contact with soil, plants, or organic materials contaminated with the fungus
- Symptoms of sporotrichosis can include skin lesions, ulcers, and nodules that may be slow to heal
- Although sporotrichosis is not typically life-threatening, it can be difficult to treat and may require prolonged courses of antifungal medication
- People who work with plants or soil, such as gardeners or farmers, may be at higher risk of developing sporotrichosis