IPA: spˈɔroʊzɔɪt
- (cytology) Any of the minute active bodies into which a sporozoan divides just before it infects a new host cell.
Examples of "sporozoite" in Sentences
- Anti-sporozoite vaccines, designed to prevent infection.
- Sanaria's radiation attenuated sporozoite vaccine, Sanaria (TM) PfSPZ Vaccine, entered clinical trials in 2009.
- Plasmodium, for example, enters a human body through a mosquito bite as a zucchini-shaped form known as a sporozoite.
- It has been known since the 1960s that one form of the malaria parasite - called the sporozoite - can wake up the immune system and help to protect against future infection.
- Sanaria has developed technologies and built a facility to manufacture a radiation attenuated sporozoite vaccine that can be administered by injection and has met FDA regulatory standards for initial clinical evaluation.
- According to Dr. Stephen L. Hoffman, Sanaria's founder and chief scientist, "Sanaria is uniquely positioned at this time to expand the pipeline of candidate sporozoite vaccines to include vaccines based on precisely gene-altered parasites that are highly potent in inducing protective immunity against malaria and are unable to cause disease."
- "Sanaria's proven ability to manufacture whole sporozoite vaccines in compliance with FDA standards means that promising new strains of the malaria parasite that are being developed in our research laboratory can be efficiently translated into prototype candidate vaccines suitable for testing in the clinic," says Dr. David Fidock of Columbia University.
- Dr. Robert Sauerwein of the Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, whose laboratory in collaboration with Sanaria has generated several genetically attenuated strains of Plasmodium falciparum concurs, stating, "This is a very exciting opportunity to make significant strides that will facilitate translation from the laboratory to clinical studies of a vialed, genetically attenuated, sporozoite vaccine inoculated by needle and syringe."