IPA: spˈɔrʌn
- A small pouch, usually made of either fur or plain or fur-trimmed leather, which is worn, suspended from a belt or chain, on the front of a kilt and used to hold various items normally carried in trouser pockets.
Examples of "sporran" in Sentences
- The sporran is a kind of belt purse, Shari explained.
- We are going to have to dig way down deep in the sporran to replace it.
- Too bad it replaced the already existing "sporran", which describes exactly the same kind of thing.
- A stark-naked savage this, and devoid of all adornment excepting a waist-belt of plaited grass and a "sporran" of similar material.
- When Baker met the king of Buganda, he appeared in full Highland dress: kilt, sporran and Glengarry bonnet all complete in the heart of Africa.
- Clothing was generally confined to a kind of sporran, elaborately patterned with symbols, to leave glands and mahogany fur available for signals.
- That "sporran" was really a kind of movable curtain or screen; and beneath it, Bowman was quite sure, would be the mouth, handily placed at the entrance to the stomach.