IPA: spˈɔrʌɫˈeɪʃʌn
- The process of a bacterium becoming a spore.
Examples of "sporulation" in Sentences
- This sporulation is normal on fully mature tempeh.
- The characteristic which distinguishes the two species is the toxic, proteinaceous crystal produced only in B. thuringiensis during sporulation.
- Aqueous Neemros® extracts at concentrations of 5 - 50 g/l inhibited mycelial growth, sporulation and germination of Fusarium oxysporum fsc lycopersici.
- Bacillus thuringiensis (BT) is a gram-positive, peritrichously flagellated rod-shaped bacterium which produces a parasporal crystal during sporulation.
- After the rice is thoroughly molded, which is accomplished by breaking the koji and mixing, the koji is harvested before mold sporulation starts, usually in I or 2 days.
- It has been pointed out that, owing to perfectly aerobic and highly selective conditions, no aseptic precautions have to be taken, and sporulation of the mould is totally inhibited.
- You could fly 100 Ph.D. students under the umbrella of this concept, because my supposition is that entomopathogenic fungi, prior to sporulation, attract the very insects that are otherwise repelled by those spores.