IPA: spˈɑtɫʌs
- Exceptionally clean.
- Impeccable and free from blemish.
- (zoology) Lacking spots; unspotted.
Examples of "spotless" in Sentences
- Her little house was in spotless, speckless order from top to bottom.
- Then, in spotless order again, she went back to Lewis and inquired where Logan was at work.
- The kitchen was in spotless order, and she sat down on a stiff-backed chair by the window to wait for her brother.
- Gowned in spotless white, her slender form lost in a large armchair, she sat opposite him, dandling the baby in her arms.
- In the early morning my eyes always open on the Governor's handsome Mohammedan servant in spotless white muslin and red head-dress and girdle, bringing a tray with tea and bananas.
- If a soap powder is given a new additive that makes things glow, you call it "whiter than white" and link it to beaming kids in spotless England football shirts who later go on to become Michael Owen.
- Congratulate the man who, leaving to his family, friends and country a name spotless, untarnished, beloved of nations, to be repeated in foreign tongues and by sparkling seas, has died in the bright and blessed hope of everlasting life.
- She would have given that and much more, for her love, as she would freely give all for him and even for his memory, if he were dead, and if by some unimaginable circumstances her ruin before the world could keep his name spotless, and his glory unsullied.
- The annunciation lilies (L. candidum) – old, classical, but too pure or too something for most modern gardens – are sweet after their own rare fashion, gleaming out in spotless white; and to my great pleasure, my new L. auratum shews three buds that promise full developement.
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