IPA: sprˈeɪɝ
- An object used for spraying, such as a spray bottle.
- A device, machine or vehicle used for spraying, where sprayers are commonly used for projection of water, weed killers, crop performance materials, pest maintenance chemicals, as well as manufacturing and production line ingredients.
- One who sprays.
Examples of "sprayer" in Sentences
- Wagner paint crew airless paint sprayer NEVER USED
- Then, use the hand sprayer from the sink to blast out the (now softened) leftover bits of icing.
- An assistant was washing the body of an old woman with what looked like an industrial-grade vegetable sprayer.
- I'm looking for a pull out spray faucet that has some pressure behind it when you change it to the "sprayer" function.
- With at least three hailstorms, relentless humidity and warm, soggy conditions, this was not the season to have your sprayer break down.
- He, uh, he tried to plant his fescue there with a damn—I mean darn insecticide sprayer, when he should have been using a seed planter.
- The dozen pictures she had shot during a recent bath time -- including a few of Nora rinsing with a handheld shower sprayer -- were, for Cynthia, simply part of the vast photographic record she was keeping of her family's life.
- Four of the company's sprayer ranges are now produced with the necessary infrastructure to operate the system - the UF mounted and UG and UX trailed sprayers, as well as the SX self-propelled sprayer which is not currently available in Britain.