
IPA: sprˈɪŋbɑk


  • A small, fast antelope native to southern Africa, Antidorcas marsupialis.
  • A member of South Africa's national rugby union team ("the Springboks").

Examples of "springbok" in Sentences

  • A springbok is a gazelle founded mostlee in teh Souf Afrika, Nameebeea an teh Botswanana.
  • The springbok is the only antelope species whose population is on the rise, according to a new review by the Red List for the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).
  • On the circulation coin the springbok has been replaced with an image of planet earth with the focus on Africa, as well as the words "Johannesburg World Summit 2002" and the WSSD logo.
  • (03 / 04 / 2009) The springbok is the only antelope species whose population is on the rise, according to a new review by the Red List for the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).
  • While the springbok is the only antelope found to be on the rise, 31 percent of the antelopes 'populations remain stable. 62 percent have a downward trajectory, while not enough data is available for the remaining six percent.

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