IPA: sprˈɪŋteɪɫ
- Any of various wingless hexapods, of the subclass Collembola, with spring-like legs.
Examples of "springtail" in Sentences
- I've never seen a springtail that looked quite like that.
- A glacier species of particular note is the glacier flea Isotoma saltans, a species of springtail.
- I saw this little springtail—barely a millimeter long—sitting on a mushroom on a rotting trunk in the woods last weekend.
- She felt bugs crawling under her skin, and one day, she said, she pulled a worm out of her eyeball and coughed up a springtail fly.
- The No. 1 offender on his top 10 list is an animal most people have never heard of but obviously find commonly: a tiny arthropod called a springtail.
- He said the island was home to 16 springtail species, five of which were invaders thought to have been introduced following the establishment of the South African scientific station on the island in
- Moreover, there is experimental evidence that population densities of numerically dominant tundra Collembola (springtail) species such as '' Folsomia quadrioculata '' and '' Hypogastrura tullbergi '' can be halved following an episode of freezing rain on Spitzbergen [172].
- While conducting ecological inventories of 30 caves on the Colorado Plateau of northern Arizona, research by Wynne and Voyles has resulted in the discovery of at least 10 new species, including a new species of spider, a new genus of cave cricket (Family Rhaphidophoridae), possibly two new cricket species, a new barklouse (Psocoptera) species, a new beetle species, and possibly two new springtail species (Collembola).