
IPA: sprˈi


  • (nautical) A spar between mast and upper outer corner of a spritsail on sailing boats.
  • A shoot; a sprout.


  • To sprout; to bud; to germinate, as barley steeped for malt.
  • To throw out with force from a narrow orifice; to eject; to spurt out.

Examples of "sprit" in Sentences

  • If you want to give Israel a passing grade for "sprit" you can.
  • A long kind of sprit was held up, split at the end to receive the letters.
  • And as a feminine sprit, gay males are allowed to imitate and worship her.
  • In the sprit of change the Not Boyfriend and I swapped sides of the bed a while ago.
  • As for your shower, we will all be there in sprit, wishing you and your little family many blessings!
  • Just to add a little bit more, If I am not allowed to carry a sharp object of any kind onto a plane including nail clippers, why can I carry wine a sprit bottles.
  • The sprit is a long pole, one end of which is fixed to the lowest _innermost_ corner, near the mast, and the other end extending to the highest _outermost_ corner; thus it lies diagonally across the sail.
  • Hegel is neither a theist or an atheist: he is moving to transcend the whole game, and speaks only of 'sprit', a dangerous term that will cause him perhaps to slide back into the morass of the bad dialectic of divinity.
  • And that’s kind of really good, for us, because there’s a mayor who’s really interested in the arts, and who is very supportive, and there’s an entrepreneurial sprit, which is very creative rather than relying on some big institution.

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