IPA: spjˈʊriʌsɫi
- In a spurious manner.
Examples of "spuriously" in Sentences
- When they were going after the salaries and bonuses, I thought the Feds were being spuriously regulative.
- And this is now the second time on VC that a post has claimed, spuriously, that he thinks the state lawsuits havemerit.
- The name of Idaho was spuriously ascribed to the Shoshone language, meaning, it was claimed, the sun comes from the mountains.
- Yet the EPI study attempts to compare them, finding, spuriously, that public sector J.D.'s and M.D.'s are getting the shaft as compared to private-sector ones.
- Just because you risk being found spuriously guilty by association, it does not follow that you have a stake in refuting the guilt of those (false) associates, anymore than libertarians need either defend McVeigh or try to claim he was not a libertarian.
- Moreover, her dating of the subdivision of Xikwembu at the moment of the original Xivuri occupation of ka Mudaka stakes a firm foundational claim for her own lineage by erasing any role the Portuguese, Gaza rulers, or intervening Xivuri chiefs may have played in spuriously elevating it to power.
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