IPA: spjˈʊriʌsnʌs
- The property of being spurious.
Examples of "spuriousness" in Sentences
- Yapp's introduction reveals the autobiographical spuriousness of vol. II.
- They do, merely adding more spin to distract from their essential spuriousness.
- The first person to detect his spuriousness was a little child playing in the arched gateway of one of the walled buildings.
- Do we remove the creepiness by revealing its spuriousness or make it all the more disturbing because it is entirely irrational?
- Unfortunately -- aside from just the spuriousness of Clinton's invective itself -- this reinforces the perception of duplicitousness and double-talk.
- I have heard a clever critic and antiquarian declare that he is not very fond of Philae; that he feels a certain "spuriousness" in the temple due to the mingling of Greek with Egyptian influences.
- See S.M. Khan, vol. II, p. 23, for Sultan Muhammad Khan's role in bringing Pyne to Kabul, and Yapp's introduction in vol. I, p. xvii, for the autobiographical spuriousness of volume two of this text.
- Yet at the end of the day, the loss suffered by Russia and China as a result of the Arab Spring will not be limited to people's resentment of their stances, which reveal the spuriousness of the claim that the major figures of communism, past and present, have placed peoples first on their list of priorities.