IPA: spˈaɪɪŋ
- espionage; the act of secretly gathering information
Examples of "spying" in Sentences
- But he was interested in spying and military coups.
- Do you now understand what you called my spying in Paris?
- At the end of the day, neither company is interested in spying on us.
- Only later will HMG realise its usefulness in spying on our web activity.
- And now, sir, you are spying upon me, -- _spying_, I say, -- and it only confirms what I said of you before. "
- True, no one involved had ever come right out and used the word spying, but how else to describe this assignment?
- If Nixon had survived the "third-rate burglary" at the Watergate, how long would his enemies list have grown, and how emboldened would he have become in spying on political rivals?
- BSNL had to put its $6 billion expansion plan on hold and delay tenders partly because the government said all telecom purchases should be reviewed; local security agencies feared some imported equipment might contain spying software.
- Today the House votes on a new compromise FISA Bill that will make the NSA's formerly questionable activitieslike spying on Americanslegal, and will grant conditional immunity upon the telephone companies that aided the NSA in spying on their customers.
- Arguing that Congress lacks this power because spying is not commerce is like arguing that Congress could not prohibit joyriding on interstate highways because joyriding, no matter how many commercial motor vehicles are run off the road, is not itself commerce.