IPA: skwˈɑɫʌs
- spiny dogfishes
Examples of "squalus" in Sentences
- It indicates the non-frenzied feeding of a large squalus - possibly Longimanus or Isurus glauca.
- There was one thing in which the creature in question differed materially from all the individuals of the _squalus_ tribe.
- I have likewise made some observations on some fish of the genus of the squalus, particularly the shark, sometimes so dangerous to fishermen in that sea.,
- Now … the enormous amount of tissue loss prevents any detailed analysis; however the attacking squalus must be considerably larger than any normal squalus found in these waters.
- To attempt an enumeration of the species of fish with which these seas abound would exceed my power, and I shall only mention briefly some of the most obvious; as the shark, hiyu (squalus); skate, ikan pari (raya); ikan mua (muraena); ikan chanak (gymnotus); ikan gajah (cepole); ikan karang or bonna (chaetodon), described by Mr. John Bell in Volume 82 of the Philosophical Transactions.