IPA: skwˈɑʃt
- squeezed until flattened, or until a pulp
- suppressed or silenced
Examples of "squashed" in Sentences
- Soundtrack promo (mis-presented in a 16: 9 format that looks vertically "squashed" -
- In the screenshot above there are two events (they are a little squashed, that is a bug).
- '' 'Garibaldi' '' biscuits, a [[British]] delicacy, are popularly known as squashed fly biscuits from their appearance.
- Dad went downstairs and made Mum a cup of tea and brought it upstairs on a tray with two Garibaldi biscuits, otherwise known as squashed flies.
- Yesterday, Robert Plant unequivocally and in no uncertain terms squashed rumors pertaining to his participation in any Led Zeppelin reunion tour.
- There are also plenty of nostalgic nods back to Webb's 1970s childhood when eccles cakes were referred to as squashed fly cakes and bourbon biscuits were regularly remarked on as looking like something you might give to the dog.
- Under O'Keefe and Steidle NASA was heading toward your suggested fly-off competition operating model (which DOES compare better to your cited examples), but Griffin squashed that and reshaped Constellation along the old NASA paradigm: govt dictates the precise design, industry builds that design under an exclusive contract.
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