IPA: skwˈɔkɝ
- Something that squawks.
- A person who complains or protests noisily.
- (slang) An informant; a stool pigeon.
- A loudspeaker used for frequencies intermediate between those of a woofer and a tweeter.
- (slang) The radio used in police vehicles to keep in contact with headquarters.
Examples of "squawker" in Sentences
- The squawker perched on the fence, letting out loud screeches at random intervals
- My neighbor's pet squawker enjoys mimicking the sounds of a crying baby
- I heard a chorus of squawkers in the distance, signaling the approach of a storm
- The colorful squawker flew overhead, its vibrant feathers catching the sunlight
- The squawker startled me with its sudden shriek as I walked through the park