IPA: skwˈikɝ
- One who or that which squeaks.
- (Internet slang) A young user on a voice chat system who has a high-pitched voice.
- A party toy that uncoils with a squeaking sound when blown; a party puffer.
- (slang) An informer.
- (US) A game or election won by a narrow margin.
- An animal that squeaks.
- An Australian grey crow-shrike or grey currawong (Strepera versicolor plumbea).
- A piglet of the wild boar.
- Any of family Arthroleptidae, of frogs.
- Any of genus Synodontis, of catfish.
- A young bird; a cheeper.
- A squab or young domestic pigeon still in the nest.
- (slang) An act of flatulence; a fart.
- (slang) A child, especially an illegitimate one.
Examples of "squeaker" in Sentences
- The mouse narrowly escaped the cat's grip due to a last-minute squeaker
- The old toy made a nostalgic squeaker sound when squeezed
- The team won the game by a mere squeaker, scoring the winning goal in the final seconds
- The rescue dog let out a loud squeaker as the vet examined her injured paw
- The toddler giggled with delight as she played with the toy that had a built-in squeaker