IPA: skwˈiɫɪŋ
- The sound of one who squeals; a squeal.
Examples of "squealing" in Sentences
- "I say, do you think there's any danger of his squealing, that is, if he hasn't been killed?"
- While flying it utters a very harsh, peculiar, and disagreeable scream, and by some is called the squealing hawk.
- But given lots kittens and the concomitant rise in squealing tires, wouldn’t you eventually have a decline in kittens?
- During a televised debate, Handel called on Deal to stop "squealing" about negative attacks and put on "big boy pants."
- Hawk got one wounded and the squealing was awful! then the little guy must have made a break for it, and the hawk got him, and Squeal!
- There is some propriety in applying to him the strange epithet "squealing," I must allow, for the bird has a peculiar voice, nasal enough for the conventional Brother
- There is a squealing from the wheels and the smell of smoking brake oil as the train screeches to a halt, averting disaster by seconds, and allowing Mr McCartney to give his talk "The Coalition Government: A Progress Report" to his local Rotary Club.
- As nearly as I can get at it, when Roebuck was luring me into National Coal he had not for nine years been open to attack, but had so far hedged himself in that, had his closest lieutenants been trapped and frightened into "squealing," he would not have been involved; without fear of exposure and with a clear conscience he could -- and would!