IPA: skwˈɝʌɫ
- Any of the rodents of the family Sciuridae distinguished by their large bushy tail.
- One of the small rollers of a carding machine which work with the large cylinder.
- Someone who displays a squirrel-like qualities such as stealing or hoarding objects.
- (Scientology, often derogatory) A person, usually a freezoner, who applies L. Ron Hubbard's technology in a heterodox manner.
- (transitive) To store in a secretive manner, to hide something for future use
Examples of "squirrel" in Sentences
- The squirrel darted across the yard, its bushy tail flicking behind it
- I watched as the squirrel scurried up the tree, carrying a nut in its mouth
- The mischievous squirrel stole a peanut from the bird feeder and quickly ran away
- I could hear the chittering of squirrels in the treetops as I walked through the woods
- The little girl giggled with delight as a squirrel scampered right up to her and took a treat from her hand