IPA: stˈeɪdʒkræft
- (uncountable) The skills of the theater.
- (countable) A specific skill of the theater.
Examples of "stagecraft" in Sentences
- Erica Hill shows us, the stagecraft was a lot more than just "plane" politics -- Erica.
- The Washington Post's Dana Milbank is shocked, shocked to find "stagecraft" going on in the White House briefing room:
- Acting standards are falling and Britain's reputation for brilliant stagecraft is at grave risk, warns Sir Ian McKellen.
- Do pejoratives like "stagecraft," "Kabuki theatre," and "a waste of taxpayer money" rise to constructive criticism for CNN?
- They had to master the intricacies of "stagecraft", handle innumerable specialist contractors and deal with an exigent board.
- At the same time, “very well” doesn’t mean a huge amount of money, so the training they receive in stagecraft is probably fair compensation.
- Once you blend simulation and stagecraft, which is very typical in games -- rarely is there a "pure" simulation that succeeds as entertainment -- we probably shouldn't call it simulation anymore.
- But it was only the latest example of how the Bush administration, going far beyond the foundations in stagecraft set by the Reagan White House, is using the powers of television and technology to promote a presidency like never before.
- As attendance at theaters increased throughout the nineteenth century, the technologies involved in stagecraft had to improve, and advancements in lighting, stage machinery, setting, and sound effects were all of major importance in the spectacularization of theatrical fare.