IPA: stˈeɪdʒɝ
- An actor on the stage.
- One who stages a theatrical performance.
- One who has long acted on the stage of life; a practitioner; a person of experience, or of skill derived from long experience.
- A horse used in drawing a stagecoach.
- A surname.
Examples of "stager" in Sentences
- So they took it off the market, consulted other agents and hired a stager.
- Nancy Monts of Your Happy Space in Dallas is a certified stager and professional organizer.
- As for the house itself, you can hire a "stager" or you can save money by doing it yourself.
- Five has Ann Maurice: Interior Rivalry at 11. 30am, a reality show that tries to find Britain's best interior 'stager'.
- So much so that when they asked her to stay on to do the Pat Kenny show later, the old stager led with the image of the burning cross himself.
- In this case, she works, as a "stager," arranging furniture in empty apartments for real estate agents unsure how they want to package the suite.
- Some brokers will even hire a "stager" who can tidy up the home, move furniture around and even re-hang pictures to create a more inviting living space.
- "stager" to prepare the home for prospective buyers can cost anywhere from $50 to $150 per hour, according to Jessica Page, a Realtor with Innovative Real Estate in Denver.
- Elsewhere, seeing the accomplished ballet dancer triumph in the often unorthodox challenges of Ms. Tharp, partly due to the choreographer's pointework detailing, I began to wonder if some Cunningham stager Patricia Lent was in charge of "Duets" here would countenance somehow working pointes into Cunningham's footwork.