IPA: stˈægɝɝ
- One who staggers.
- (informal) Something astounding; a great mystery.
Examples of "staggerer" in Sentences
- I don't know whether you intended that for a joke or for a staggerer.
- There's a staggerer! being alive no rule for _not_ being buried! how _is_
- "A real staggerer by a man who is both a poetic dreamer and a competent scientist."
- "Still, it's what the inimitable Dick Swiveller would call a staggerer," he muttered.
- “Whom God hath joined together,” was a staggerer for a gentlewoman of strong devotional sentiment.
- Nellie's answer to this question was a "staggerer" to Master Bob, as he termed it in his choice phraseology.
- But this I can most trewly say, that my slice of luck during this larst munth is worthy of being called a reel staggerer!
- My aunt in the country stops the supplies, and writes an affectionate note to say that she has made a new will, and left me out of it — staggerer, number two.
- At present the inoculation mania has reached the pitch of proposing no less than four separate inoculations: revaccination, typhoid, cholera, and -- Sir Almroth's last staggerer -- inoculation against wounds!
- The gospel proclamation is of pardon to all comers in, to all believers: it is not for thee, poor staggerer, to question what is the intendment towards thee in particular, but roll thyself on this, there is an absolute sincerity in the engagement which thou mayest freely rest upon.