
IPA: stˈeɪdʒinʌs


  • (uncountable) The state or quality of being stagy.
  • (countable) The result or product of being stagy.

Examples of "staginess" in Sentences

  • There's no staginess before and no hugging each other after.
  • That kind of staginess isn't found elsewhere in this production.
  • We do not object to a certain amount of what we call "staginess" on the stage -- it is a part of its art; as the pigment is part of that of the painter.
  • (The “Raid on Entebbe” conversation was amusing and felt real … until they shouted out for a public vote on whether it was a common reference: that staginess felt a bit Friends to me.)
  • For all the hamminess, it has a kind of mad, melodramatic, mesmeric power, a thrilling sort of staginess – and of course, back in 1942, it was far from clear his threat would not be carried out.
  • Despite the obvious dangers of staginess this feels solidly cinematic throughout, with writer-director J Blakeson making the most of limited resources and reaping the benefits of fat-free filming.
  • Drudging through the goofy storyline in order to get to the action was a grueling experience, and though the stunts themselves were absolutely stunning, the badassery was lessened a tad by the distracting staginess of each successive feat.
  • The protest that gave Protestantism its name was against display, against the staginess of the Catholic Church, and its aversion to theatrics applies equally to money: better to appear less wealthy than you are and keep putting in the hours.
  • On an iffier note, Jorgensen over-exaggerates the eccentric mannerisms of Moody, who's seen curling up childishly on his office couch in a fit of nerves one minute and working the phone feverishly the next: A slight staginess clings to this neurotic figure.

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