
IPA: stˈæmɝɝ


  • One who stammers; a stutterer.

Examples of "stammerer" in Sentences

  • BALBUS, literally "stammerer," the name of several Roman families.
  • The physical condition of the stammerer is the result of many factors.
  • Let me tell you, for a stutterer, a stammerer, to be heard is a wonderful thing.
  • "Sometimes people write about me that I'm a cured stammerer, but that's not the case."
  • In a hotel room a teenage girl, a stammerer who is prone to fits, has unwilling sex with a foul-mouthed (is there any other kind?) reporter.
  • Another thing which I always thought peculiar when I was a stammerer was the fact that I had practically no difficulty in talking to animals when I was alone with them.
  • Bertie had to have the will to recover, the support of family and friends even of Churchill, a childhood stammerer himself, and an expert to teach him how to function beyond his disability.
  • Written in 1934 but certainly not dated, Graves captures the backroom intrigues of Imperial Rome as told through the character of Claudius, a seemingly incompetent stammerer forced at knife point to become Emperor.
  • The servant was a woman named Toussaint, whom Jean Valjean had saved from the hospital and from wretchedness, and who was elderly, a stammerer, and from the provinces, three qualities which had decided Jean Valjean to take her with him.
  • Since then, he's appeared in myriad period pieces, including as the archbishop in another tale of a stammerer, The King's Speech, a Roman senator in another Oscar winner, Gladiator, and the crimesolving monk in PBS' Mystery! series Cadfael.

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