
IPA: stˈɑrtʃɫaɪk


  • Resembling starch.

Examples of "starchlike" in Sentences

  • • It can be stored in limited amounts for later use as a starchlike material called glycogen.
  • Since then, it has been frequently reported in Asia, though rarely, if ever, in the U.S. The rash is thought to be a toxic reaction to a starchlike component of the shiitake mushroom.
  • Yuan Yao, an assistant professor of food science, has successfully modified the phytoglycogen nanoparticle, a starchlike substance that makes up nearly 30 percent of the dry mass of some sweet corn.
  • He was humming a tune, passing a clean cotton rag back and forth across the dried wax on the finish, pausing to blow a bug off the starched top so he would not have to smack it and stain the immaculate starchlike whiteness of the canvas.
  • The liver cells (the peculiar forms of which had been described by Purkinje, Henle, and Dutrochet about 1838) have the power to convert certain of the substances that come to them into a starchlike compound called glycogen, and to store this substance away till it is needed by the organism.

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