IPA: stʌtˈɛsmʌnɫaɪk
- Like a statesman, demonstrating the skills and qualities of a respected leader.
Examples of "statesmanlike" in Sentences
- He lauded Mandela for what he described as his statesmanlike conduct on Friday.
- Bill Richardson praised North Korea's "statesmanlike" restraint as he wrapped up a four-day trip to North Korea.
- She is anything but "statesmanlike" (sorry, I don't know what the gender-neutral equivalent for that term would be).
- He was 'statesmanlike' last time, and your colleague Evans panned him as crap, because he didn't join in the bunfight.
- A couple more decades of such bipartisan "statesmanlike" - war and deficit spending and we'll have a Depression worse than 1929.
- I believe we are entitled still to look back to those giants of our past as our examples of the ultimate in statesmanlike thought.
- Their officials at their headquarters are almost forced to adopt what can be politely described as a statesmanlike attitude over matters of controversy between different countries.
- The normally reserved defense secretary heaped praise on Karzai for reacting in "an extraordinarily statesmanlike way," adding, "Frankly, I think the American government will not forget this kind of statesmanlike response."
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