
IPA: steɪtswʊmʌn


  • A woman who is a leader in national or international affairs.
  • A female political leader who promotes the public good or who is recognized for probity, leadership, or the qualities necessary to govern a state.

Examples of "stateswoman" in Sentences

  • She could be a tub-thumping British patriot, but she also saw herself as a global stateswoman.
  • Hillary is a true stateswoman of class and serves in the political arena that makes us all proud.
  • In 1995, Alice Palmer was a longtime Black activist, a "beloved elder stateswoman" in the Illinois state senate.
  • He urged her "to rise above the worn-out, negative tactics of presidential politics and assume the role of stateswoman."
  • Much as Lauper idolises the original generation of blues shouters, she now enjoys the status of an elder stateswoman herself.
  • Hillary has risen past being a partisan hack in her husband's white house and has been an effective legislator and stateswoman (is that a word?).
  • If the wife of a former president, prominant stateswoman, and popular figure can't be the New name Obama, then she doesn't deserve to be president.
  • She didn't take any crap from anyone, had lots of children out of wedlock, was intelligent and witty, known for her abilities and was a good stateswoman.
  • Then there's a sudden switch in the 1970s when the two parts of Meryl Streep's altogether remarkable impersonation come together – Thatcher in pathetically touching old age and Thatcher in her political prime as party leader and world stateswoman.
  • Please ask Obama how he can call himslef the leader of a new type of politics that is hopeful and does not tear other people down when in order to win his state senate seat, he, and members from his campaign went into a room all day and signed petitions forcing all his competition of the ballots, inlcuding his good friend, mentor, civil rights worker, and elder stateswoman who has endorsed clinton, Alice Palmer?

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